A new blog has seen the light of day. Thank you for joining me on this little corner of the web, for Kitchen Tales of Sugar & Spice.
While surfing on the web this morning I ended up at the Daring Kitchen, and discovered their monthly cooking and baking challenges. Because I rarely shy away from a challenge and like to be pushed out of my comfort zone, I decided to sign up and make this my project for 2013 and maybe for many years to come. In order to participate it was recommended to have a blog to post the completed challenges in, so here we go ...
I have several blogs already, one of them a bento blog but I'd rather keep my bentoing separate from all the other things happening in my kitchen and this blog will be the ideal location to document not only the challenges but also all the sweet and savoury stuff that is created in the kitchen.
Grab a seat and join me in Kitchen Tales of Sugar & Spice.

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