As promised in yesterday's Béarnaise Sauce post, I still had to post the recipe to the potato pancakes that accompanied the steak I made. Considering the horrible lighting of my picture on the bottom of that post, I will not repost it. [On a side note : I will be ordering my Lowel Ego lights by the end of March and hopefully then I will no longer have to deal with nasty glares, faded colours and the like. Maybe, just maybe, my food pictures taken at night will start to look appetizing again.]
Anyway, these potato pancakes are present in a lot of cuisines around the world, but the inspiration for these ones comes from Sweden, where "Raggmunk" is a very popular potato preparation.
Ingredients for 4 servings :
* 800 g floury potatoes (°)
* 90 g all purpose flour
* 1 egg
* 300 ml milk
* a knob of butter
* salt
* pepper
(°) Because it is the starch contained in the potatoes which keeps the pancakes together, it is preferable to use older potatoes, as their starch levels are higher. Personally I opted for Bintjes potatoes, as they are grown locally.
Put the flour in a bowl, add the milk and egg and whisk it all into a the smooth batter.
Peel the poratoes and grate them. Add the grated potatoes to the batter, season and mix it carefully together using a fork
Melt a knob of butter in a large skillet on medium fire.
Put a good forkfull of potato batter in the pan, press it slighly in order to achieve a patty. As these pancake are rather small, you can bake several of them simultaneously.
Using a small spatula, turn the pancake after 1 to 2 minutes and keep them on low heat until the inside is also done.
Remove from heat and serve hot.

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