If you have been following this blog for a while, you will undoubtedly have noticed that I have quite a sweet tooth.
I never really figured out if I love baking because I enjoy tasting the finished product or if it is the other way around. Whatever the reason, it should come as no surprise that I like to spend part of my spare time perusing the gigantic cooking library that is the world wide web.
It is during one of those surfing sessions that I came across this dessert, combining two well known and much loved sweet treats : a Brownie Cheesecake.
The recipe source of this scrumptious dessert is the website from Hervé, hervecuisine.com, a French recipe site that features youtube videos for every single one of its recipes. So, even if you haven't mastered the language of Molière, don't hesitate to browse his website. You can always watch the videos to see how the different dishes are made and isn't a good visual worth a thousand words?
Back to the brownie cheesecake. The cake should have come out more whitish that the dark caramel brown you see on the picture below, but I had a little slip up with the oven thermometer which I only noticed about 5 minutes before the end. The excessive heat coloured the cheesecake and made the brownie's rind slightly crispy, but everyone who tasted it still came back for seconds, so imagine if you do it the right way ... success guaranteed ! :o)
Ingredients (8-10 servings, baked in a round 24cm springform) :
The brownie
* 150g all purpose flour, sifted
* 200g granulated sugar
* 185g butter
* 200g dark chocolate
* 50g pecan nuts, chopped
* 2 eggs
The cheesecake
* 300g cream cheese (I used my faithful Philadelphia Light)
* 50g granulated sugar
* 2 bags of vanilla sugar (can be remplaced by vanilla extract)
* 2 eggs

Preheat your oven to 180°C.
Melt the chocolate and the butter, either in the microwave or in a pan, and whisk the mixture until smooth and both ingredients are completely blended in
While continuing to whisk, add the sugar, followed by the eggs (one at a time), the sifted flour and finally add the chopped pecans.
In another bow, mix together the cream cheese, sugar, eggs (one at a time) and finally the vanilla sugar.
Pour the brownie preparation in the bottom of your bake mould, spreading it out evenly and cover it with the cheesecake preparation.
Bake for 45 minutes at 180°C and let the cake cool down before removing it from the mould.

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