During my last trip to the book store, I couldn't resist entering the cookbook aisle. Venturing into that corner of the store is usually a bad idea for me, or rather my wallet, because I always end up going home with more books than I intially meant to buy.
This trip was no exception to the rule. When I saw Julie Schwob's book "Breakfast du Monde" (Breakfasts of the world) and started leafing through it, I knew I had to take this one home with me. So many interesting ideas and recipes in there, that I couldn't wait to try out.
First try-out : the Peruvian Pan Chicharron.
When looking at the different recipes in the book, it is clear that our sugary sweet breakfasts are more exception than rule. In most countries around the world, breakfast is one of the main meals of the day, which brings you the energy to get going and almost invariably it is of savoury nature. Nevertheless going into savoury mode immediately after waking up is a bit too much for me, so I decided that I would try out the recipes as a brunch. And this works out perfectly. :o)
Ingredients (4 servings) :* 4 pita breads* 12 slices of bacon* 2 sweet potatoes* 1 onion* 50g butter* 4 Tbsp (spicy) ketchup* salt & pepper
Preparation :
Peel and finely slice the onion.
Peel and wash the sweet potatoes and cut them in 1 cm slices. Cook them in boiling water for 10 minutes (they should remain slightly firm) and drain.
Heat up the breads under the grill for 5 minutes and garnish them with the ketchup.
Fry the bacon 2 minutes on each side in a skillet for without adding any grease. Put three slices in each bread.
Melt the knob of butter in a skillet and then lghtly fry the sweet potatoe slices on both sides. Season with salt and pepper and add them on the bacon.
Garnish with the onion slices and close the breads.
Buen provecho :o)

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